Monday, May 19, 2008

The Soapy Hound

NOOO!!! They better not be making this a routine. On Saturday I got ANOTHER bath. I tried to escape once but they caught me and put me back in the tub. Am I that dirty? It's just not right. I never see THEM doing this!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fresh As a Flower...OH NO!!!!

I took something on Friday.

It was something I didn't want or need.

It was a bath.

Dad (the leader of the pack) picked me up suddenly and put me in this tub full of freezing cold water. I didn't do much, just kind of stood there, because he was rubbing my fur all over and it felt good. Alright, so I was pretty dirty, so it was nice to get the old layers of dirt off.
I didn't like the water being poured over my head though, it got into my eyes.

Then I rolled over and over in the grass to get the nasty smelling soap out of my fur.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day
Clue (for our mom): now go from this blog to your dog

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Dog Food

The Havemans cruelly stuck sticky, yummy peanut butter on my nose, right above where my tongue could lick it off.
And then they laughed at me as I tried to get it off.
Hey, it smelled pretty good! How could I resist- too bad I could barely reach it.
I look like a nut.