Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Can Someone Answer My Nagging Questions...

Just blogging and contemplating the strangest thing that happened the other morning. Around 3:30 a.m. these black gopher looking things (except they were too skinny to be gophers) popped up out of the lawn and began to spray water all over, changing directions as they went. It disturbed my sleep on the grass, spraying me with freezing cold water. Barking dn't make them burrow back down, either, and as far as I'm concerned the grass was doing quite well before them. It has to be those cats!

1 comment:

NWTrucker said...

Sadie, whatcha gotta do is grab them with your mouth. That can be done any time after they have popped up from their little hidey-hole. You will find that they do not run away very fast. Once you have ahold of one of them in your mouth, just give yur head a twist and then you will be rewarded with yur very own fountain.
